Even More Blueberries

Well, after having blueberries on the brain after planting the ones from early last week, and circumstances being favorable (read: I had a long day at the farm on Saturday), we planted 9 more plants yesterday, and still have one more to plant! We purchased 4 more Tifblue plants, a Brighwell plant and Mrs. Betty wanted her blueberry plants thinned out, so I dug the ones up that she wanted gone and was able to get 5 plants out of them. 9 of them made it in the ground before dark leaving only the Brighwell to get planted tomorrow. This will make a grand total of 31 blueberry plants! I think we’re done with the blueberry plants for now, finally 🙂 I also have two more concord grape plants to get in the ground along with a huge list of other things to plant. You’ve gotta love the never ending farm “to-do” list!